Personal Information
- Professor
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (English):Wenhua Chen
- Business Address:罗姆楼10-205
- Gender:Male
- Contact
- Degree:Doctoral degree
Other Contact Information:
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现任清华大学电子工程系长聘教授、国家杰出青年基金获得者、微波与天线研究所所长、清华-中兴无线接入技术联合研究中心主任、IEEE-MWCL编委,曾任IEEET-MTT、RFMiCAE等期刊编委。主要研究领域包括射频功放与线性化技术、集成毫米波与太赫兹电路等。2001年在电子科技大学获学士学位,2006年在清华大学获博士学位,2010 年至2011 年在加拿大卡尔加里大学智能射频实验室从事博士后研究。承担国家973、重点研发计划和国家重大专项等项目20余项,共发表学术论文200 余篇,研制的射频功放和数字预失真算法在新一代宽频基站中获得规模应用,曾获2018年中国电子学会和2021年中国通信学会科技一等奖。
Research Focus
Work Experience
- Professor , Dept. of EE , Tsinghua University 2019-12-15 ∼ Now
- Associate Professor(tenured) , Dept. of EE, , Tsinghua University 2016-1-15 ∼ 2019-11-15
- Associate Professor , Dept. of EE , Tsinghua University 2011-10-15 ∼ 2015-12-15
- Postdoc , University of Calgary 2010-9-15 ∼ 2011-9-15
- Asistant Professor , Dept. of EE , Tsinghua University 2006-8-1 ∼ 2010-8-1
Educational Experience
- Tsinghua University, Department of Electronic Engineering, Doctoral Degree in Engineering 2001-9-15 ∼ 2006-7-15
- Bachelor UESTC, 微波工程系, Bachelor's Degree in Engineering 1997-9-15 ∼ 2001-7-15
Social Affiliations
- 中国工程院Engineering青年通讯专家 2020-10-1 ∼ Now
- IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 2020-8-1 ∼ Now
- IEEE Senior Member
- 全国微波学会毫米波亚毫米波专业委员会委员
- International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering (RFMiCAE) Editorial Member
- IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Associate Editor
Research Group
No content
- ▪2021 中国通信学会科技一等奖(排名第2)
- ▪2020-11-30 APMC亚太微波会议最佳学生论文
- ▪2018-04-17 IEEE MTT-S IMWS-5G Best Student Paper (Second Winner)
- ▪2016-04-17 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics Best Student Paper
- ▪2018-04-15 First Prize for Science & Technology Achievement (CIE)
- ▪2014-04-15 2014 URSI Young Scientist Award
- ▪2013-04-15 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划