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教师英文名称:Shuzheng XU


电子邮箱: xusz@tsinghua.edu.cn






当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 学术成果

[1] Shuzheng Xu, Pengjun Wang, Huazhong Yang. Performance Analysis of Data Hiding in MPEG-4 AAC Audio. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), Vol.14, No.1, 2009.2:55-61

[2] Lin Zeng; Peng Zhang; Shuzheng Xu*; Huazhong Yang; Robustness Mode Detection Algorithm in the DRM System. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Vol.54, Issue.4, Dec. 2008:792 - 798

[3] Shuzheng Xu, Huazhong Yang, Hui Wang. An Application of DAPSK in HF communications. IEEE Communications Letters, 2005, 9(7):613-615

[4] Shuzheng Xu, Hui Zhang, Huazhong Yang and Hui Wang, A New Modulation Scheme for DRM. IEEE 61st VTC 2005-Spring Stockholm, 2005:1245-1247

[5] Li Yang, Shuzheng Xu*, Huazhong Yang. Design of Signal Constellations in the Presence of Phase Noise. IEEE VTC2008-Fall in Calgary. 21-24 Sept. 2008:1-5

[6] Shuzheng Xu, Rong Luo, Huazhong Yang and Hui Wang; The Spectral efficiency and Anti-interference of Multiwavelet packet-based OFDM. ISAST Transactions on Communications and Networking.No.1, Vol.1.2007:1-6.

[7] Shuzheng Xu, Huazhng Yang, “DRM: the Digital Radio on the Way”, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2007. ISCC. Santiago, Portugal:151 -154

[8] Xu, Shuzheng; Yang, Huazhong; Liying, Huangfu; Gou, Qinjing; “Sensitivity of carrier offset and MAI in DAPSK-MC-CDMA systems”. IEEE ICMMT07. 18-21 April 2007:1-4

[9] Hui Zhang, Huazhong Yang, Hui Wang, and Shuzheng Xu. “A new multiuser detector for FFH/MFSK systems”. Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.15,No.1, Jan2006: 143-146

[10] Shuzheng Xu, Pengjun Wang, Huazhong Yang. Performance Analysis of Data Hiding in MPEG-4 AAC Audio. Accepted by Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) index:1791:2008.5.19


Lingni Xiao, Shuzheng Xu, Circuit Design with Protel 2004. Tsinghua University Press, ISBN:730213375. 2006-8-1