Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
School/Department:Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
Administrative Position:Deputy chair of Department
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:Rohm Building, Tsinghua University, 100084, Beijing, P.R.China
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Professional Title:Professor
Alma Mater:Tsinghua University
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Wu Ji was born in WuXi, JiangSu Province, China. He received his B.S degree and his Ph.D degree from the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, in 1996 and 2001 respectively. He is currently an professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. From 2006, Prof. Wu is the director of Tsinghua-iFlyTek Joint Lab for Speech Technologies. And he now is the leader of TWG(Technical Work Group) of Speech Industry Alliance of China. His research interests include speech recognition, natural language processing, pattern recognition, machine learning and data mining. Prof. Wu has published 60 peer-reviewed papers. He has been serving as a standing committee member of National human-computer voice communication conference since 2009. And he is also paper reviewer for several international and domestic journals and academic conferences.
中央电化教育馆 人工智能教育专家组,成员
Leader of TWG(Technical Work Group) of Speech Industry Alliance of China
Member of Steer Committee of NCMMSC(National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication)
Member of SWG(Standard Work Group) of Chinese Voice Interactive Technologies, MIIT, China
IEEE BigComp2019,Workshop Chair
Member of Technical Program Committee of ISCSLP2012,ISCSLP2010 and ISCSLP2008
ICBSB 2018,技术委员会委员
IEEE MLSP 2018,程序委员会委员
IEEE ISCSLP2008,2010,2012,2014,2016 程序委员会委员
IEEE SLT2014,panelist for panel discussion "Next generation SLT scientists and engineers"
Member of Technical Program Committee of NCMMSC2013,NCMMSC2011,NCMMSC2009 and NCMMSC2007