Project1 : Research on the key techniques for the multi-user TDS-OFDM (1/10-12/12), supported by China National Science Foundation
Wang, J(PI),
The object of this project is to propose and performance evaluate the efficient multiple access methods suitable for the TDS-OFDM systems.
Project2: Study of Software-Defined DTMB demodulator Using General Purpose Multi-core Processors(6/10-6/12), supported by Agilent company
Wang, J(PI),
The object of this project is to to plan and implement a full software-defined DTMB demodulator using general purpose multi-core processors on the SORA platform.
Project3: Wireless Multimedia transmission system for emergency communication (5/07-5/09), supported by TianXing company
Wang, J(PI),
The object of this project is to design and implement a wireless multimedia command and control system mainly includes the video, the sound as well as the live data transmission, to guarantee the real-time emergency communication between the scene and the Command Center.
Project4: Demodulator Chip reference design for Terrestrial Digital TV Standard DTMB (5/07-5/09)
Yang Z. (PI), Wang, J(Professor), etc..
The object of this project is to develop the algorithms for the DTMB demodulator chip including the code acquisition, symbol timing recovery, carry recovery, as well as the channel estimation.