Research Status

1. 3S technology-based Soil and Water Conservation and Environmental Management Information System (6/00-12/02), supported by Science and Technology Commission of Beijing

       i. Sun W., Ma H.

       ii. The objective of this project is to establish the soil and water conservation and environmental management information system based on 3S(RS-Remote Sensing, GIS-Geographical Information System and GPS-Global Positioning System) technology. Application of multi source remote sensing image fusion and classification techniques is used to improve the classification accuracy of remote sensing information in this project.

2. Application of Imaging Radar Remote Sensing Information Processing Technology (12/01-12/03), supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program 863

       i. Ma H., Sun W.

       ii. The objective of this project is to establish an application processing frame of imaging radar remote sensing information to solve the issue such as forest identification, the inversion of forest and rice biomass, and the inversion of bare soil moisture.

3. High Precision Goe-location Technology of Space-Borne Remote Sensing Data (7/02-6/05, 7/07-12/09), supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program 863

       i. Ma H., Sun W.

       ii. The objective of this project is to study the high precision geo-location algorithm of space-borne optical and SAR satellite remote sensing data, and complete accuracy verification and software development.

4. Survey Of Wetland Resources Based on 3S Technology (1/09-12/09, 1/10-12/10), supported by State Forestry Administration

       i. Ma H., Sun W.

       ii. The objective of this project is to survey the wetland resources of China based on 3S technology. Through the implementation of the project, type, area, distribution, and other information about wetland resources in China can be obtained, thereby providing support for national policy-making.


Doctoral degree

Hongbing MA
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