Hui Lv
- Engineer
- Name (Simplified Chinese):Hui Lv
- Name (English):Hui Lv
- Date of Birth:1983-07-13
- E-Mail:
- Date of Employment:2009-08-03
- School/Department:电子工程系实验教学中心
- Administrative Position:工程师
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
- Business Address:清华大学中央主楼907
- Contact Information:(010)-62772910
- Degree:Master's degree
- Professional Title:Engineer
- Status:Employed
- Academic Titles:光电实验教学
- Alma Mater:清华大学
- Teacher College:DZGCX
Contact Information
- ZipCode:
- Fax:
- PostalAddress:
- OfficePhone:
- Telephone:
- Email:
- Research Status
Optoelectronics Laboratory (2009~)
Physical electronics Laboratory (2010~)
Laser and Optoelectronics Laboratory (2010~)