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Faculty Profile
- Name (Simplified Chinese):Jiang Chen
- Name (English):Jiang Chen
- E-Mail:77c96ddddd762d53b128762c75b523ec75f6085a5898e0722231f23ba176e634ba20732195b87cc9bc9498ead8a96c5493c5f0370fcdba68297cb4038d360c50ee2180e5db9a8731cce8a802feb13834c4ff4adbed4d8c222d168938845741a6a369b4ee98933f1f3571c2ac75f643799a66ab03693de759a91a348a2578176e
- School/Department:Department of Electronic Engineering
- Administrative Position:Assistant Professor
- Business Address:Tsinghua University, Rohm Building 716, Beijing 100084, China
- Degree:Doctoral degree
- Status:Employed
- Alma Mater:University of Cambridge
- Teacher College:DZGCX
- Discipline:Electrical Circuit and System
Linrun Feng, Wei Tang, Jiaqing Zhao, Qingyu Cui, Chen Jiang, Xiaojun Guo, All-solution-processed low-voltage organic thin-film transistor inverter on plastic substrate, 61, 4, 1175-1180, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2014.
Release time:2021-09-06 Hits:
Pre One:Wei Tang, Linrun Feng, Chen Jiang, Guangyu Yao, Jiaqing Zhao, Qingyu Cui, Xiaojun Guo, Controlling the surface wettability of the polymer dielectric for improved resolution of inkjet-printed electrodes and patterned channel regions in low-voltage solution-processed organic thin film transistors, 2, 28, 5553-5558, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014.
Next One:Wenjiang Liu, Guangyu Yao, Chen Jiang, Qingyu Cui, Xiaojun Guo, A new voltage driving scheme to suppress non-idealities of polycrystalline thin-film transistors for AMOLED displays, 10, 12, 991-994, Journal of Display Technology, 2014.