Yuantao Gu
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- Professor
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Simplified Chinese):Yuantao Gu
- Name (English):Yuantao Gu
- E-Mail:
- School/Department:电子工程系
- Business Address:罗姆楼9-104
- Contact Information:通讯/办公地址:北京市海淀区清华大学罗姆楼9-104,邮编100084 办公室电话:010-62783525
- Professional Title:Professor
- Status:Employed
- Alma Mater:清华大学
- Teacher College:DZGCX
- Personal homepage:http://gu.ee.tsinghua.edu.cn

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- Academic Achievement
[1] Y. Gu, Signals and Systems -- Exercises and Solutions (in Chinese), Higher Education Press, Beijing, China, Aug. 2011.
[2] Y. Gu, Q. Ying, J. Zheng, Signals and Systems -- Practicing with MATLAB (in Chinese), Higher Education Press, Beijing, China, Jan. 2008.
[3] X. Wang, P. Liu, and Y. Gu, Local-set-based Graph Signal Reconstruction, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.3944
[4] X. Wang, M. Wang, and Y. Gu, A Distributed Tracking Algorithm for Reconstruction of Graph Signals, to appear in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Signal Processing, available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.02973
[5] X. Shen and Y. Gu, Restricted Isometry Property of Subspace Projection Matrix Under Random Compression, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 22(9):1326-1330, 2015.
[6] L. Chen and Y. Gu, The Convergence Guarantees of a Non-convex Approach for Sparse Recovery, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(15):3754-3767, 2014.
[7] J. Zhu, X. Wang, X. Lin, and Y. Gu, Maximum Likelihood Estimation from Sign Measurements with Sensing Matrix Perturbation, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(15):3741-3753, 2014.
[8] Y. Tang, L. Chen, and Y. Gu, On the Performance Bound of Sparse Estimation With Sensing Matrix Perturbation, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(17):4372-4386, 2013.
[9] L. Chen and Y. Gu, Oracle-Order Recovery Performance of Greedy Pursuits With Replacement Against General Perturbations, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(18):4625-4636, 2013.
[10] X. Wang, Z. Chen, P. Liu, and Y. Gu, Edge Balance Ratio: Power Law from Vertices to Edges in Directed Complex Networks, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 7(2):184-194, 2013.
[11] J. Jin, Q. Qu, and Y. Gu, A Robust Zero-point Attraction LMS Algorithm on Near Sparse System Identification, accepted for publication at IET Signal Processing, 2013.
[12] J. Ding, L. Chen, and Y. Gu, Perturbation Analysis of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(2):398-410, 2013.
[13] X. Wang, Y. Gu, and L. Chen, Proof of Convergence and Performance Analysis for Zero-point Attracting Projection Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 60(8): 4081-4093, 2012.
[14] G. Su, J. Jin, Y. Gu, and J. Wang, Performance Analysis of l0 Norm Constraint Least Mean Square Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 60(5): 2223-2235, 2012.
[15] Y. You, L. Chen, Y. Gu, W. Feng, and H. Dai, Retrieval of Sparse Solutions of Multiple-Measurement Vectors via Zero-point Attracting Projection, Signal Processing, 92(12): 3075-3079, 2012.
[16] H. Liu and Y. Gu, TCP with Hop-Oriented Network Coding in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks, IET Networks, 1(3):171-180, 2012.
[17] Y. You, J. Jin, W. Duan, N. Liu, Y. Gu, and J. Yang, Zero-point attracting projection algorithm for sequential compressive sensing, IEICE Electronics Express, 9(4):314-319, 2012.
[18] H. Liu and Y. Gu, Incorporating Network Coding into TCP Grounded on Network Utility Maximization in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks. China Communications, 2012, 9(6):28-35.
[19] H. Liu, J. Chen, S. Song, and Y. Gu, Performance Enhancement and Utility Maximization for TCP in Wireless Mesh Networks. China Communications, 2012, 9(4):35-44.
[20] H. Nan, Y. Gu, and H. Zhang, Optical Analog-to-Digital Conversion System based on Compressive Sampling, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 23(2):67-69, 2011.
[21] J. Jin, Y. Gu, and S. Mei, A stochastic gradient approach on compressive sensing signal reconstruction based on adaptive filtering framework, IEEE Journal of Selected topics in Signal Processing, 4(2):409-420, 2010.
[22] Y. Gu, J. Jin, and S. Mei, l0 Norm Constraint LMS for Sparse System Identification, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 16(9):774-777, 2009.
[23] Y. Gu, Y. Chen, Z. Jiang, and K. Tang, Particle filter based multi-camera integration for face 3D-pose tracking, International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information Processing, 2006, 4(4):677-690.
[24] Y. Gu, K. Tang, and H. Cui, LMS algorithm with gradient descent filter length. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 11(3): 305-307, 2004.
[25] Y. Gu, K. Tang, and H. Cui, Superior step-size theorem and its application - Parallel variable step-size LMS filters algorithm, Science in China Series F-Information Sciences, 47(2):151-160, 2004.
[26] Y. Gu, K. Tang, H. Cui, and W. Du, Convergence analysis of deficient-length LMS filter and optimal length sequence to model exponential decay impulse response. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 10(1):4-7, 2003.
[27] Y. Gu, K. Tang, H. Cui, and W. Du, Optimal variable step-size LMS model and algorithm with independence assumption, Science in China Series F-Information Sciences, 46(6):409-419, 2003.
[28] Y. Gu, K. Tang, H. Cui, and W. Du, Modifier formula on mean square convergence of LMS algorithm. IEE Electronics Letters, 38(19):1147-1148, 2002.