Scientific Research

Academic Achievement

    [1] Ning Ge, Cong Chen, “A Frequency Stabilization Circuit for The Voltage Controlled Ring Oscillator,” ASICON 2007,Guilin, China, October 26-29, 2007 (EI: 083211440644)

    [2] Ning Ge, Yuyu Liu, Huazhong Yang, Hui Wang, “Sigma-delta Based Clock Recovery Using On-chip PLL in FPGA”, IEEE 2006 Conference on FPT, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec 13-15, 2006, p.135-140

    [3] Yun Pan*, Ning Ge, Zaiwang Dong, “CRC Look-up Table Optimization for Single-Bit Error Correction” Tsinghua Science and Technology. Oct. 2007, Vol.12, No.5 pp.620-623)

    [4] Yun Pan*, Ning Ge, Zaiwang Dong, “Unfolded Frequency Response and Model of a Multi-Tap Direct Sampling Mixer,” Tsinghua Science and Technology. Dec. 2008, Vol.13, No.6 pp.790-795

    [5] Yuyu Liu*, Ning Ge, Huazhong Yang, Hui Wang , “A Novel Clock and Data Recovery Technique Based on Sigma-delta Phase Quantization,” Chinese Journal of Electronics. Apr.2007, Vol.16, No.2, p347-351

    [6] Hongwei Kong*, Ning Ge, Fang Ruan, Chongxi Feng , “A Scalable Fair Edge-to-Edge Congestion Control Algorithm with Explicit Rate Allocation” IEICE Transaction on Communication. Aug 2003, Vol.E86-B, No.8 pp.2488-2503

    [7] Hongwei Kong*, Ning Ge, Fang Ruan, Chongxi Feng , “A Nonlinear Model on the AQM algorithm GREEN” IEICE Transaction on Communication special issues on Internet Technology III. Feb 2003, Vol.E86-B, No.2 pp.622-629

    [8] Wang Tao*, Ge Ning and Feng Chongxi , “An Innovative Algorithm to Implement Flow Control in Full Duplex Ethernet” Chinese Journal of Electronics. Jan. 2003 Vol.12, No.1, p11-14

    [9] Hongwei Kong*, Ning Ge, Fang Ruan, Chongxi Feng , “A Congestion-point Oriented Congestion Control Algorithm for Resilient Packet Ring” Chinese Journal of Electronics. Jan.2003, Vol.12, No.1, p1-5

Research Status

    Major National Science and Technology Project, “R&D and Application Demonstration of Carrier Wave UWB High-Speed Wireless Communication Chip”, Jan.2009-Dec.2010, Principle Investigator

        The objective of the project is to propose a solution for carrier wave UWB wireless communication system and its industrialization, develop the low-power consumption and low cost UWB chipset.

    National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (National 863 Project), “SOC Design and Networking Trial of UWB”, Jul.2007-Nov.2009, Principle Investigator

    National Major Foundation Research and Development Program of China (National 973 Project), “Trial System of Multi-doamin Collaboration Broadband Multi-user Wireless Communication”, Jul.2007-Dec.2008, Major member

    Tsinghua University International Science and Technology Cooperation Project, “Fusion Research of Tsinghua-SONY UWB System”, Sep.2009-Sep.2010, Principle Investigator

    National Natural Science Foundation of China Key Project (NSFC Project), “Research of Spread-Dimension Communication Theory”, Jan.2010-Dec.2012, Principle Investigator

    National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (National 863 Project), “UWB WBAN Application Demonstration”, Jan.2009-Dec.2010, Major member

    JointResearch Fund for Overseas National Natural Science Foundation of China, “System Design and Performance Research of UWB Communication”, Jan.2010-Dec.2011, Principle Investigator

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Doctoral degree

Ning GE
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