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个人信息Personal Information
教师英文名称:DOU Weibei
联系方式:Email: douwb@tsinghua.edu.cn; Tel: 010-62781703
提出模糊信息融合框架、模糊kappa一致性评价方法、 多层级动态脑网络分析方法、基于交叉收敛映射的因果网络构建方法、基于凸包的多体素核磁波谱定量分析方法、基于距离的神经康复评估方法、多模态神经影像数据信息挖掘系统、情感语音多级分类方法、联合视听线索的特定事件检测方法、基于极大相关旋转的立体声参数提取和压缩编码方法、基于MDCT谱线分离的立体声编码方法、用于声音定位的生物学上合理的人类听觉通路脉冲模型等。发表学术论文百余篇,被引用千余次。获授权发明专利20项。
英文期刊论文 International journal papers
1. Qiong Wu1,2, Yunxiang Ge3, Di Ma2, Xue Pang2, Yingyu Cao4, Xiaofei Zhang5, Yu Pan2*, Tong Zhang1* and Weibei Dou3*,(2021) Analysis of Prognostic Risk Factors Determining Poor Functional Recovery After Comprehensive Rehabilitation Including Motor-Imagery Brain-Computer Interface Training in Stroke Patients: A Prospective Study,Front. Neurol., 10 June 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2021.661816 (Correspondence: Yu Pan, Tong Zhang, Weibei Dou)
2. Weimin Zheng1,*, Yunxiang Ge2,*, Shan Ren3, Weizheng Ran4, Xinning Zhang4, Wenyang Tian4, Zhigang Chen3, Weibei Dou2, Zhiqun Wang1 (2020), Abnormal static and dynamic functional connectivity of resting-state fMRI in multiple system atrophy,Aging (Albany NY) (by Medline/PubMed), Vol. 12(16), 2020, pp: 16341-16356. https://doi.org/10.18632/aging.103676。https://www.aging-us.com/article/103676. (*Equal contribution) (Correspondence to: Zhigang Chen, Weibei Dou, Zhiqun Wang). WOS:000567903700001
3. Qiong Wu1, Zan Yue2, Yunxiang Ge3, Di Ma1, Hang Yin1, Hongliang Zhao4, Gang Liu2, Jing Wang2, Weibei Dou3,5, Yu Pan1 (2020) Brain Functional Networks Study of Subacute Stroke Patients with Upper Limb Dysfunction After Comprehensive Rehabilitation Including BCI Training. Frontiers in Neurology, Vol.10:1419, 27 January, 2020, PMID: 32082238, PMCID: PMC7000923, DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2019.01419. (Correspondence: Jing Wang,Weibei Dou ,Yu Pan). IF 2.889 (2020)
4. Yunxiang Ge1,2, Yu Pan3,4*, Qiong Wu3,4 and Weibei Dou1,2* (2019) A distance-based neurorehabilitation evaluation method using linear SVM and resting-state fMRI, Frontiers in neurology 10, 1105, 2019, doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.01105, IF 2.635
5. Zhongzhe Xiao, Ying Chen, Weibei Dou, Zhi Tao, Liming Chen (2019) MES-P: An Emotional Tonal Speech Dataset in Mandarin with Distal and Proximal Labels, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2019.10, DOI: 10.1109/TAFFC.2019.2945322, IF 6.288
6. Zonggang Hou1,2, Xu Cai3, Huan Li1,2, Chun Zeng1,2, Jiangfei Wang1,2, Zhixian Gao1,2, Mingyu Zhang4, Weibei Dou5, Ning Zhang6, Liwei Zhang1,2, Jian Xie1,2 (2018) “Quantitative Assessment of Invasion of High-Grade Gliomas Using Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, World Neurosurgery, May 2018, volume 113, pp.e561-e567, DOI:10.1016/j.wneu.2018.02.095,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wneu.2018.02.095,
7. Yu Pan*#1,2, Wei-bei Dou*#3, Yue-heng Wang3, Hui-wen Luo3, Yun-xiang Ge3, Shu-yu Yan1, Quan Xu1, Yuan-yuan Tu1, Yan-qing Xiao1, Qiong Wu1, Zhuo-zhao Zheng4, Hong-liang Zhao4, (2017) “Non-concomitant cortical structural and functional alterations in sensorimotor areas following incomplete spinal cord injury” Neural Regeneration Research, Vol. 12, No. 12, Dec. 2017, pp. 2059-2066. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.221165, IF1.769.
8. Y Pan, W Dou, (2017) Poster 88: Relationship Between Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity and Disability after Spinal Cord Injury: an MRI Study, PM&R (The journal of injury, function and rehabilitation), ((9 (9), S135-S136) Volume 9, Issue 9, Supplement 1, September 2017, Pages S135-S136. ISSN: 1934-1482, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmrj.2017.07.022, Impact factor 1.785
9. O Seloi, A Heintz, R Hanafi, R Laborde, W Dou, S Ruan, J Prades, D Le Gars, H Deramond, M Lefranc, A Coutte, P Toussaint, C Desenclos, B Chauffert, M Boone, JM Constans, (2017) Intérêt des séquences avancées en IRM dans l’évaluation à la réponse au Bevacizumab. Suivi multimodal de 20 glioblastomes, Journal of Neuroradiology, Volume 44, Issue 2, March 2017, Page 80, ISSN: 0150-9861, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neurad.2017.01.021, SCI, IF. 2.526
10. J-M Constans, A Heintz, O Seloi, N Deleval, M Beauvois, R Hanafi, F Dallery, W Dou, S Ruan, J Prades, D Le Gars, O Baledent, H Deramond, A Houessinon, A Fichten, M Lefranc, A Coutte, P Toussaint, C Desenclos, B Chauffert, M Boone, (2017) Importance des variations spectrales durant 36 mois de suivi longitudinal IRM et SRM de 80 patients atteints de glioblastomes traités, Journal of Neuroradiology, Volume 44, Issue 2, March 2017, Page 91, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neurad.2017.01.048, SCI, IF.2.526
11. Ziyi Wang, Xiaojie Zhang, Weibei Dou*, Mingyu Zhang, Hongyan Chen, Shaowu Li (2016) “Best Window Width Determination and Glioma Analysis Application of Dynamic Brain Network Measure on RS-fMRI”[J]. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics (JMIHI), Volume 6, Number 7, (November 2016) pp.1735–1740. SCI IF0.877/2016
12. Weibei Dou*#1, Mingyu Zhang#2,3, Xiaojie Zhang#1, Yuan Li1, Hongyan Chen2, Shaowu Li3, Min Lu1, Jianping Dai*2,3, Jean-Marc Constans4,(2015) Convex-Envelope Based Automated Quantitative Approach to Multi-Voxel 1H-MRS Applied to Brain Tumor Analysis, PLoS One, 2015, 14;10(9): e0137850. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137850, SCI IF: 3.23/2015
13. Min Lu, Xiaojie Zhang, Mingyu Zhang, Hongyan Chen, Weibei Dou, Shaowu Li and Jianping Dai, (2015) Non-model segmentation of brain glioma tissues with the combination of DWI and fMRI signals, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering(BIO-MED MATER ENG) 26 (2015) S1315–S1324, DOI 10.3233/BME-151429, SCI IF 1.091/2015, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, vol. 26, no. s1, pp. 1315-1324, 2015
14. Zhang, Hong; Feng, Xue; Li, Boxun; Wang, Yu; Cui, Kaiyu; Liu, Fang; Dou, Weibei; Huang, Yidong, “Integrated photonic reservoir computing based on hierarchical time-multiplexing structure”, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol: 22, No: 25, pp: 31356-31370, DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.031356, DEC 15 2014, (SCI IF:3.499/2014)
15. Weitun Yang, Minli Liao, Xiaojie Zhang, Weibei Dou, Mingyu Zhang, Hongyan Chen, Shaowu Li, Yu Wang, Jianping Dai, (2014) “An Improvement Method of Brain Extraction Tools for Magnetic Resonance Images”, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics (JMIHI). Vol.4,No.6, pp.895-900 2014(IF 0.642/2014)
16. Wen Gao, Tiejun Huang, Cliff Reader, Weibei Dou, Xilin Chen, IEEE Standards for Advanced Audio and Video Coding in Emerging Applications, Computer, 2014/5 Volume47, Issue5, Pages 81-83, (SCI, IF 1.675/2012)
17. Shuhua Zhang, Weibei Dou, Huazhong Yang,“MDCT Sinusoidal Analysis for Audio Signals Analysis and Processing”,IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2013, 21(7), pp 1403-1414, (SCI, IF 1.675/2012)
18. Shuhua Zhang, Weibei Dou, Huazhong Yang, “DFT spectrum estimation from critically sampled lapped transforms”, Signal Processing, 2011, 91(2): 300–310. (SCI)
19. Zhongzhe Xiao; Dellandrea, E.; Weibei Dou; Liming Chen, "Multi-stage Classification of Emotional Speech Motivated by a Dimensional Emotion Model", Multimedia Tools and Applications: Volume 46, Issue 1 (2010), Page 119. (SCI),
20. Weibei Dou, S. Ruan, Y. Chen, D. Bloyet, and J.-M. Constans, "A framework of fuzzy information fusion for the segmentation of brain tumor tissues on MR images," Image and Vision Computing, vol. 25, 2007, pp. 164–171. (SCI),
21. Weibei Dou, Y. Ren, Q. Wu, S. Ruan, Y. Chen, D. Bloyet, and J.-M. Constans, "Fuzzy kappa for the agreement measure of fuzzy classifications," Neurocomputing, vol.70, No.4-6, 2007, pp.726-734. (SCI)
22. Weibei Dou, Su Ruan, Qingmin Liao, Daniel Bloyet, Jean-Marc Constans, and Yanping Chen, “Fuzzy Information Fusion Scheme Used to Segment Brain Tumor from Magnetic Resonance Images”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science/Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS/LNAI) Vol.2955 (2006), pp.208 - 215. (SCI)
23. Weibei DOU, Yuan REN, Yanping CHEN, Su RUAN, Daniel BLOYET, and Jean-Marc CONSTANS, “Histogram-based Generation Method of Membership Function for Extracting Features of Brain Tissues on MRI Images”, LNAI 3613, pp.189-194, 2005. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005. (SCI)
24. Liu, Chunsheng; Wang, Zhihua; Chen, Guoqing; Li, Yanmei; Wu, Ende; Li, Dejian; Li, Bo; Dou, Weibei; Dong, Zaiwang; “A DAB transmitter prototype with high flexibility and low cost” IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, v 48, n 3, September, 2002, p 173-178.
著作、教材和博士论文 BOOKS and Ph.D. Thesis
1. 窦维蓓 “案例四十 数字音频压缩与数字音频广播”,“广播与多媒体通信 通信原理与应用系统案例部分”(曹志刚、韦博荣、薛永林、张立军、赵永祥、王昭诚、窦维蓓、唐昆),教育部高等学校电子信息科学与工程类专业教学指导分委员会规划教材, 高等教育出版社,2015年7月。
2. Weibei Dou and Jean-Marc Constans,“Glial Tumors: Quantification and Segmentation from MRI and MRS” Chapter 5 of “Diagnostic techniques and surgical management of brain tumors” Edited by Ana Lucia Abujamra,INTECH,September 2011
3. 应启珩,冯一云,窦维蓓《离散时间信号分析与处理》,清华大学出版社,2001.9
YING Qiheng, FENG Yiyun, DOU Weibei, “Discrete signal analysis and processing”, TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2001, (in Chinese).
4. Weibei DOU, “Segmentation d'Images Multispectrales Basée sur la Fusion d'Informations : Application aux Images IRM” thèse doctoral de l’UNIVERSITE de CAEN, France, Soutenu le 29 Septembre 2006.
English Title:“Segmentation of Multispectral Images Based on Information Fusion : Application for MRI Images”, Ph.D. Thesis of University of Caen, France, September 29, 2006
1. Yunxiang Ge, Zhe Yang, Yutong Feng, Yu Pan and Weibei Dou. 2021. Extended Network-Based Statstics for Measuring Altered Directed Connectivity Components in the Human Brain. International Workshop on Biological Network Analysis and Integrative Graph-Based Approaches (IWBNA 2021). Dec 9-12, 2021, Houston, TX, USA.
2. Yujia Li, Yunxiang Ge, Weibei Dou, Guangzhu Zhang. (2021) Modified Linear Fascicle Evaluation (mLiFE) for Improving the Fiber Tractography of Stroke Patients using Diffusion MRI. 12th International Workshop on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2021). Dec 9-12, 2021, Houston, TX, USA.
3. Yueheng Wang, Yu Pan, Yunxiang Ge, Weibei Dou, “Comparison analysis of diffusion-tensor-imaging tractography in native space and in normalized space: applied for brain network analysis based on” BIBE 2018; International Conference on Biological Information and Biomedical Engineering, BIBE 2018, July 6-7, 2018, Shanghai, China, pp.230~236. © VDE VERLAG GMBH ∙ Berlin ∙ Offenbach, ISBN 978-3-8007-4727-6
4. Yunxiang Ge, Yu Pan, Weibei Dou,Analysis of BOLD fMRI Signal Preprocessing Pipeline on Different Datasets while Reducing False Positive Rates, BIBE 2018; International Conference on Biological Information and Biomedical Engineering. BIBE 2018, July 6-7, 2018, Shanghai, China, pp.218~225. © VDE VERLAG GMBH ∙ Berlin ∙ Offenbach, ISBN 978-3-8007-4727-6
5. Xiao Feng, Weibei Dou, “A Biologically Plausible Spiking Model of Human Auditory Pathways for Sound Localization” the 5th International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation (ICMIA 2016) pp: 376-382, September 17-18, 2016, Shenzhen, China. doi:10.2992/icmia-16.67.
6. Huiwen Luo, Weibei Dou*, Yu Pan, Yueheng Wang, Yujia Mu, Yudu Li, Xiaojie Zhang, Quan Xu, Shuyu Yan and Yuanyuan Tu,“Joint Analysis of Multi-level Functional Brain Networks” in proceedings of 2016 9th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics(CISP-BMEI 2016),15-17 October, 2016, Datong, Shanxi, China, pp1541-1546. (EI)
7. Xiao Feng, Weibei Dou, “A Biologically Plausible Spiking Model for Interaural Level Difference Processing Auditory Pathway in Human Brain,” in proceedings of 2016 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI2016), International Joint Conference on Neural Net- works (IJCNN), July, 2016, Vancouver, Canada, pp5029-5036. 24-29. (EI)
8. Xiaojie Zhang, Weibei Dou, Mingyu Zhang, Hongyan Chen. “A framework of automatic brain tumor segmentation method based on information fusion of structural and functional MRI signals”. ICCSN, 2016, 4-6 June in Beijing, China, pp. 625-629. (EI检索)
9. Ruizhi Liao,Weibei Dou, Mingyu Zhang, Hongyan Chen, Shaowu Li “A Framework for Mapping Scalable Human Brain Anatomical Networks via Diffusion MRI” in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2016), Las Vegas, NV, USA on 24-27, February 2016. pp.49-52, EI
10. Song, Yanglei; Yang, Yifei; Dou, Weibei; Zhang, Changshui; “Graph-based semi-supervised learning on evolutionary data” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v 9243, p 467-476, 2015, Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering: Big Data and Machine Learning Techniques - 5th International Conference, IScIDE 2015, Revised Selected Papers; ISSN: 03029743, E-ISSN: 16113349; ISBN-13: 9783319238616; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23862-3_46; Conference: 5th International Conference on Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering, IScIDE 2015, June 14, 2015 - June 16, 2015; Publisher: Springer Verlag
11. Yudu Li, Sen Ma, Zhongze Hu, Jiansheng Chen, Guangda Su, Weibei Dou, “Single Trial EEG Classification Applied To a Face Recognition Experiment Using Different Feature Ext”, Proceedings of 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, August 2015.
12. Hong Zhang, Xue Feng, Boxun Li, Yu Wang, Kaiyu Cui, Fang Liu, Weibei Douk, Yidong Huang, “Integrated photonic reservoir computing based on hierarchical time-multiplexing structure” 2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) JTh2A.35
13. Yang Chen, Min Lu, Xiaojie Zhang and Weibei Dou,“Performance Evaluation Method of Image Registration in Diffusion-Tensor Imaging based on Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix”, in proceedings of international conference on Medical Science and Biological Engineering (MSBE 2015), 30-31 May in Hong Kong, China. Pp.282-287.
14. Yunfan Liu, Xueshi Hou,Chen Jiansheng, Chang Yang, Guangda Su, Weibei Dou, “Facial Expression Recognition and Generation using Sparse Autoencoder”, in Proc. of International Conference on Smart Computing, Nov. 2014.
15. Minli Liao, Weitun Yang, Xiaojie Zhang, min Lu, Weibei Dou, “A Preprocessing Method for Magnetic Resonance Images of Head to Improve the Performance of Brain Extraction Tool”, in proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing and the 7th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI 2014), 14-16 October 2014, Dalian, China
16. Wenbo Zhang, Ziyi Wang, Weibei Dou, Xue Wang, Min Lu, Mingyu Zhang, Hongyan Chen, shaowu Li, Jianping Dai, “Dynamic Features Extraction Method of Resting-State BOLD-fMRI Singal and Its Application to Brain Data Classification Between Normal and Glioma”, in proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP2014) HangZhou, China, Oct. 19-23 2014.
17. Min Lu, Weibei Dou, “Butterfly-like D-tree fusion strategy for real-time speech and music classification”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW) 会议地点: Chengdu, China 会议日期: 14-18 July 2014
18. Gao Yu, Dou Weibei, “Packets Arriving Rate Aided Adaptive Media Playout for Streaming Music”. In proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security (MINES 2013), Beijing, China, November 2, 2013
19. WANG Xue, DOU Weibei, WANG Yinyan, JIANG Tao, CONSTANS Jean-Marc, ” Relativity Analysis between Resting-State fMRI Signal and Tumorous Possibility of Brain Tissues” in proceedings of International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME 2013), Beijing, China, May 25- 28, 2013. (in press)
20. Yinong Wang, Weibei Dou, Jean-Marc Constans, “Accelerating volume ray casting by empty space skipping used for Computer-Aided Therapy”, in proceedings of International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing (ICALIP 2012), July 16, 2012 Shanghai, China. Pages: 661-667.
21. Weibei Dou,Aoyan Dong,Ping Chi,Shaowu Li,Jean-Marc Constans,“Brain tumor segmentation through data fusion of T2-weighted image and MR spectroscopy”, in proceedings of the 5th international conference on bioinformatics and biomedical engineering, (ICBBE2011), May 10-12, 2011, Wuhan, China.
22. Ping Chi,Weibei Dou,Jean-Marc Constans,“A post-processing approach of HLSVD used for automatic quantitative analysis of multi-voxel magnetic resonance spectra” in proceedings of the 5th international conference on bioinformatics and biomedical engineering, (ICBBE2011), May 10-12, 2011, Wuhan, China.
23. Shuhua Zhang, Weibei Dou, Ping Chi, Huazhong Yang,“MDCT Spectrum Separation: Catching the Fine Spectral Structures for Stereo Coding”, proceedings of ICASSP2010, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, March 15–19, 2010, Dallas, Texas, USA, pp. 369~372.
24. Min Lu,Shuhua Zhang,Weibei Dou,“Dual-mode switching used for unified speech and audio codec”, in proceedings of 2010 International conference on audio, language and image processin (ICALIP2010), Nov. 23-25, 2010, Shanghai, China, Page(s): 700 – 704.
25. Chunyan Zeng,Weibei Dou,“Audio keywords detection in basketball video”, in proceedings of 2010 International conference on audio, language and image processin (ICALIP2010), Nov. 23-25, 2010, Shanghai, China, Page(s): 1765 – 1770.
26. Shuhua Zhang, Weibei Dou, Huazhong Yang,“Maximal Coherence Rotation for Stereo Coding”, in proceedings of 2010 IEEE International conference on multimedia & Expo (ICME 2010), July 19-23, 2010, Singapore. Page(s): 1097-1101.
27. Weibei Dou, Aoyan Dong, Shaowu Li, Ping Chi, J-M Constans, “Glioma Tissue Modelling by combing the information of MRI and in vivo Multivoxel MRS”, in proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2010), June 18-20, 2010, Chengdu, China.
28. Bo Zhang, Weibei Dou, “A Novel Bit-Plane Shifting Algorithm for Scalable Audio Coding” in proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Networks (ICN2010), April 11-16, 2010, Menuires, France, pp.356-360.
29. Fu, Huanzhang, Zhongzhe Xiao, Dellandréa, Emmanuel, Weibei Dou, Liming Chen, “Image categorization using ESFS: A new embedded feature selection method based on SFS” , Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v 5807 LNCS, p 288-299, 2009, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems - 11th International Conference, ACIVS 2009, Proceedings. EI-20094912525306, ISTP- BPK82
30. Zhongzhe Xiao; Dellandrea, E.; Liming Chen, Weibei Dou, “Recognition of emotions in speech by a hierarchical approach”, 2009 international conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII2009), September 10-12, 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. EI-20101112772921,
31. Weibei DOU, Shuai WANG, Shaowu LI, J-M Constans, “Automatic Data Processing to Relative Quantitative Analysis of 1H MR Spectroscopy of Brain”, in proceedings of The 3rd international conference on bioinformatics and biomedical engineering (iCBBE2009), June 11-16, 2009, Beijing, China.
32. Huan Hou Weibei Dou, “Real-time audio error concealment method based on sinusoidal model” IEEE ICALIP 2008. International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing, 2008. 7-9 July 2008, Shanghai, China. Page(s):22 – 28.
33. Xuanlei Zhang, Weibei Dou, Ming Dong, “A reusable architecture design and implementation for inverse quantization of MP3 decoding ”IEEE ICALIP 2008. International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing, 2008. 7-9 July 2008, Shanghai, China. Page(s):247-251
34. Zhongzhe Xiao, E.Dellandrea, Weibei. Dou, Liming Chen, “What is the best segment duration for music mood analysis?” International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing 2008. CBMI 2008. 18-20 June, 2008, London, UK, Page(s):17 – 24.
35. Liang Geng, Weibei Dou, “Fuzzy MRF models with multifractal analysis for MRI brain tissue classification” Proceedings of BIOSIGNALS, International conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, Jan.28-30, 2008,Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, V.1, No. 2, pp.33~39.
36. Zhongzhe Xiao, E.Dellandrea, Weibei. Dou, Liming Chen, “Automatic Hierarchical Classification of Emotional Speech”, in proceedings of The Third IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (IEEE-MIPR 2007) Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. | December 10-12, 2007.
37. B. Zhang, W. Chen, Weibei. Dou, Yujin. Zhang, “Content-based Table Tennis Games Highlight Detection Utilizing Audiovisual Clues”, in proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Image and Graphics, ICIG2007. Aug. 22-24, 2007. Chengdu, China.
38. H. Hou, S. Zhang, Weibei. Dou, “Optimization of Fixed-Point Operation of MPEG-2 AAC Decoder”, in proceedings of the Fifth IASTED International Conference on Circuits, Signals, and Systems. July 2-4, 2007. Banff, Alberta, Canada.page136-139.
39. Zhongzhe Xiao, E.Dellandrea, Weibei. Dou, Liming Chen, "Two-stage Classification of Emotional Speech," in proceedings of International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT’06). p. 32-37, August 29 - 31, 2006, Cap Esterel, Côte d’Azur, France.
40. B. Zhang, Weibei. Dou, L. Chen, "Audio content-based highlight detection using adaptive hidden Markov model," in Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Application (ISDA2006),v.1, pp. 798-803, Oct. 16-18, 2006, Jinan, Shandong, China.
41. B. Zhang, Weibei. Dou, L. Chen, "Ball Hit Detection in Table Tennis Games Based on Audio Analysis," in proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR06, v.3, pp. 220-223, Aug. 20-24, 2006, Hong Kong, China.
42. B. Zhang, W. Dou, and L. Chen, "Combining short and long term audio features for TV sports highlight detection," 28th European Conference on Information Retrieval Research, ECIR 2006., vol. 3936 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 472-475, 2006
43. Weibei DOU, Yuan REN, Qian WU, Su RUAN, Daniel BLOYET, and Jean-Marc CONSTANS, “Fuzzy kappa used for evaluating the agreement of fuzzy classifications”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing 2005 (ICIC2005) August 23-26, 2005, in Hefei, China. pp.726-735
44. Weibei DOU, QianWU, Yanping CHEN, Su RUAN, J-M Constans, “Fuzzy modelling of different tumorous cerebral tissues on MRI images based on fusion of feature information”, Proceedings of 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2005), 1-4 September 2005 in Shanghai, China. MEDLINE
45. Qian WU, Weibei DOU, Yanping CHEN, and Jean-Marc CONSTANS, “Fuzzy Segmentation of Cerebral Tumorous Tissues in MR Images via Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy Clustering”, in proceedings of 11th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA 2005), July 28-31, 2005, Beijing, China. Published by the Springer-Tsinghua university press, pp.962-965.
46. Zhongzhe Xiao, E.Dellandrea, Weibei. Dou, Liming Chen, “Features Extraction and Selection for Emotional Speech Classification”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance (AVSS2005), September 15-16, 2005, Teatro Sociale, Como, Italy. pp.411~416.
47. Yan Zhu, Qingmin Liao, Weibei Dou, Ruan Su, ”Brain Tumor Segmentation in MRI Based On Fuzzy Aggregators”, in Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5960, SPIE- VCIP 2005 (Visual Communications and Image Processing 2005) 12-15 July 2005, in Beijing, China. pp. 1704-1711.
48. Weibei DOU, Su Ruan, Daniel Bloyet, Jean-Marc CONSTANS, Yanping CHEN, “Segmentation based on Information Fusion Applied to Brain Tissue on MRI”, IS&T/SPIE’s 16th Annual Symposium Electronic Imaging, Proc. of SPIE-IST Electronic Imaging, v.5298, pp.492-503, 18-22 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA. EI-044987044036,ISTP-BAH97
49. Tian XIA, Weibei DOU, “DETECTION AND CODING OF TRANSIENT COMPONENTS IN PARAMETRIC AUDIO CODING”, proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Image/Video Communications over fixed and mobile networks, ISIVC2004, July 2004, ENST-Bretagne, France.
50. J.X. Yan, Z.W. Dong, W.B. Dou, “A New Time-Frequency Mapping Structure for High Quality Audio Coding”, The 3rd International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications (WAA), v.2, pp. 584-589, May 29 – 31, 2003, Chongqing, China。 EI-03427684337,ISTP-BW89W
51. J.X. Yan, Z.W. Dong and W.B. Dou, "A Hierarchical Audio Encoder for Digital Audio Broadcasting Application", First Workshop on DSP in Mobile and Vehicular Systems, Nagoya, Japan, April 3-4, 2003
52. J.X. Yan, Z.W. Dong and W.B. Dou, "A Scalable Digital Audio Encoder Based on Embedded Zerotree Wavelet", in proceedings of 2003 International Conference on Communication Technology, ICCT’2003, v.2, pp.1864-1867, 9-11 April 2003, Beijing, China. EI-04158109837,ISTP-BX37F
53. Weibei DOU, Su Ruan, Qingmin LIAO, Daniel Bloyet, Jean-Mac CONSTANS, “Fuzzy Information Fusion Scheme Used to Segment Brain Tumor from Magnetic Resonance Images”, International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, WILF2003, Palazzo Serra di Cassano, Via Monte di Dio 14, Napoli, ITALY October 9-11, 2003.
54. Weibei DOU, Su Ruan, Qingmin LIAO, Daniel Bloyet, Jean-Mac CONSTANS, “Knowledge based fuzzy information fusion applied to classification of abnormal brain tissues from MRI”, in proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Application 2003 (ISSPA’03), v.1, pp.681-684, July 1-4, 2003, Paris, France. ISTP-BY44C
55. J.X. Yan, Z.W. Dong and W.B. Dou, "Gain Comparison of Time-Frequency Mapping for High Quality Audio Coding", ISSPA 2003 Vols. 2 :447- 450 1-4 July 2003, Paris France. ISTP-BY45A
56. Guangming LIU, Weibei DOU, “A Simple Implementation for 3D Virtual Surround Sound Effect and Its Application in Multichannel Audio Coding”, in Proceedings of SPIE-the international Society for Optical Engineering, v.5444, pp. 273-280, 2004, for the Fourth International Conference on Virtual Reality and it's Applications in Industry, Oct. 23-25 2003, Tianjin, China. EI-04238194979,ISTP-BY85X
57. Weibei DOU, Su Ruan, Qingmin LIAO, Daniel Bloyet, Jean-Marc CONSTANS, Yanping CHEN, “Automatic brain tumor extraction using fuzzy information fusion”, 2nd International Conference on Image and Graphic (ICIG’02), Proc. SPIE v.4875, n.1, pp.604-609, August 16-18, 2002. Hefei, Anhui, China. EI-02527290141,ISTP-BV62P
58. Xin Wang, Weibei Dou and Zhaorong Hou, "An Improved Audio Encoding Architecture Based on 16-bit Fixed-point DSP", IEEE International Conference of Communications, Circuits and Systems 2002 (ICCCAS’02), v.1-4, pp.918-921, June 29 – July 1, 2002, Chengdu, China. EI
59. Qingmin Liao, Yingying Deng, Weibei DOU, Su RUAN, Daniel BLOYET, “POSSIBILISTIC CLUSTERING BASED MR BRAIN IMAGE SEGMENTATION WITH ACCURATE INITIALIZATION”, Visual Communications and Image Processing 18-22 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA. Proc. of SPIE-IST Electronic Imaging, Vol.5308, pp.876-880. EI-, ISTP-BY80X
60. Su Ruan, Daniel Bloyet, Marinette Revenu, Weibei DOU, Qingming Liao, “Cerebral Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation using Fuzzy Markov Random Fields”, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Washington D.C. July 7-10 2002, pp.237-240.
61. Zhaorong HOU, Weibei DOU and Zaiwang DONG, “A High Accuracy Simplification Strategy for Psychoacoustic Model of MPEG Audio Coding ”, IEICE TRANS. COMMUN., VOL. E84-B, No.10 OCTOBER 2001, pp.570~573. CONFERENCE RECORD Special Section on the APCC Proceedings .(The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC2001), 17-20 Sep. 2001, Tokyo, Japan) .
62. HOU Zhaorong, DOU Weibei, DONG Zaiwang, “New Window-switching criterion of Audio Compression”, Proceedings of IEEE Fourth Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP2001), pp.319-323, 2-5 Oct. 2001, CANNES, FRANCE. EI- 03097380703
63. HOU Zhaorong, DOU Weibei and DONG Zaiwang, “High Performance Bit Allocation Strategy for MPEG Layer III Audio coding”Proceedings 6th International Symposium On Broadcasting Technology (ISBT’99, Beijing),pp.344~349。
中文期刊论文:Chinese Journal Papers
1. 冯雨桐,葛云祥,窦维蓓,吴琼,潘钰 (2021)“康复干预对不完全性脊髓损伤脑网络图论属性影响的初步研究”[J]. 华西医学. 2021 36(07):882-888。
FENG Yutong, GE Yunxiang, DOU Weibei, WU Qiong, PAN Yu (2021) “A preliminary study on the influence of rehabilitation on the brain network by the graph theoretic analysis for patients with incomplete spinal cord injury” West China Medical Journal, 2021, 36(7): 882-888.
2. 吴琼,葛云祥,马迪,庞雪,曹莹瑜,潘钰*,窦维蓓* (2021) “影响脑卒中患者脑机接口上肢训练效果的相关因素”[J]. 中国康复理论与实践, 2021, 27(3): 269-276.
WU Qiong, GE Yun-xiang, MA Di, PANG Xue, CAO Ying-yu, PAN Yu, DOU Wei-bei,Factors Related to Curative Effect of Brain-computer Interface Training on Upper Limb Paralysis after Stroke[J]. Chin J Rehabil Theory Pract, 2021, 27(3): 269-276.
3. 吴琼,任诗媛,乐赞,葛云祥,马迪,赵红亮,刘刚,王晶,潘钰*,窦维蓓*(2020)“脑机接口综合康复训练对亚急性期脑卒中疗效的 静息态功能磁共振研究[J]. 中国康复理论与实践, 2020, 26(1): 77-84.
WU Qiong, REN Shi-yuan, YUE Zan, GE Yun-xiang, MA Di, ZHAO Hong-liang, LIU Gang, WANG Jing, PAN Yu, DOU Wei-bei,Brain-computer Interface and Comprehensive Training for Stroke: A Resting State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study [J]. Chin J Rehabil Theory Pract, 2020, 26 (1): 77-84.
4. 高宇 窦维蓓, 基于TCP协议的音频流媒体QoE的定量研究,电声技术,Vol.38 No. 1,2014.1 pp85-92.
GAO Yu, DOU Weibei, Quantification study on QoE of TCP-based audio streaming, Audio engineering, vol.38, No.1, 2014, pp.85-92, Accumulated No.350
5. 曾春艳、窦维蓓,“基于音频内容的篮球比赛精彩镜头检测”,电视技术,2010年第34卷第11期,总第349期,第90-93页。
Zeng chun-yan, Dou wei-bei,“Highlight detection in basketball video based on audio content”,Video engineering, Vol.34, No.11, pp.90-93. 2010
6. 张波、窦维蓓,“基于EaacPlus的可分层可分级音频编码系统”,电声技术,2010年第34卷第10期,总第310期,第57~61页。
ZHANG Bo, DOU Weibei, “Multi-layer Scalable Audio Coding Based on EaacPlus Kernel”, Audio Engineering, Vol.34, No.10, pp.57~61. 2010
7. 曾春艳、窦维蓓,“篮球比赛视频节目中短管哨声检测方法”,电声技术,2010年第34卷第09期,总第309期,第53~57页。
Zeng chunyan, Dou Wei-bei, “Whistle sound detection in basketball game”, Audio Engineering, Vol.34, No.9, 2010, pp.53~57
8. 张树华、窦维蓓、杨华中,“MPEG-2/4 AAC 音频编码器的低复杂度优化”,电声技术,2010年第34卷第04期,总第304期,第58~69页。
Zhang Shu-hua, Dou Wei-bei, Yang Hua-zhong,“Optimization of MPEG-2/4 AAC audio encoder of low complexity”, Audio Engineering, Vol.34, No.04, 2010, pp.58~69
9. 张勇、曾春燕、窦维蓓,“用于视频监控的特定声实时定位系统”,电视技术,2010年第34卷第一期(总第337期),第81~84页。
Zhang Yong, Zeng Chun-yan, Dou Wei-bei, “Localization of Specific Sound on DSP System”, Video Engineering, Vol.34, No. 1, 2010, pp.81~84
10. 张勇、窦维蓓,“强干扰环境下的特定声方向定位”,电声技术,2009年第33卷第12期,总第300期,第58~69页。
Zhang Yong, Dou Wei-bei, “Localization of Specific Sound in low SNR Environment”, Audio Engineering, Vol.33, No.12, ,pp. 58~69,2009
11. 贾晓军、窦维蓓,“基于双域状态分类的音乐信号差错隐藏方法”,电声技术2008第32卷第4期总278期,pp52~56。
JIA Xiaojun, DOU Weibei, “Error Concealment for Music Signal Based on Status Classification in Both Time and Frequency Domain” Audio Engineering, 32(4), pp. 52–56, 2008
12. 张轩磊、窦维蓓、董明,“面向SoC的数字音频解码系统设计方法”,电声技术2008第32卷第8期总283期,pp72~76。
ZHANG Xuanlei, DOU Weibei, DONG Ming,“SoC-oriented Design Methodology of Digital Audio Decoding System”Audio Engineering, 32(8), pp.72 – 76, 2008
13. 阎建新,窦维蓓,董在望,“音频编码中瞬态信号的时域检测方法”,电子与信息学报,2006年第28卷第二期,pp. 307-311。
Yan Jian-xin, Dou Wei-bei, Dong Zai-wang, “Time-Domain Detection Method of Transient Signals in Audio Coding” JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 28(2), pp.307 – 311, 2006
14. 阎建新,窦维蓓,董在望,“音频编码中非均匀滤波器组的构造”, 清华大学学报,2005年第45卷第一期pp.17-20.
YAN Jianxin, DOU Weibei, DONG Zaiwang, “Nonuniform filter banks for audio encoding” J.Tsinghua Univ. (Sci. & Tech.), 45(1), pp.17 – 21, 2005
15. 夏田,窦维蓓,“一种面向高采样率音频信号的参数音频编码系统”电声技术,2005年第3期,pp.44-48。
XIA Tian, DOU Weibei, “A Parametric Audio Coding System Oriented to High Sampling Frequency Audio Signals” Audio Engineering, 2005(3), pp.44-48
16. 姜甜,窦维蓓,“音频质量客观评价方法的综合与实现”, 电声技术,2005年第7期,pp.41-44 。
JIANG Tian, DOU Weibei, “Integration and Implementation of Objective Assessment on Audio Compression” Audio Engineering, 2005(7), pp.41-44
17. 阎建新,董在望, 窦维蓓,“Ogg Vorbis数字音频编码技术” 电声技术,2003年第9期,pp.7-11。
YAN Jianxin, DONG Zaiwang, DOU Weibei, “Ogg Vorbis digital audio coding techniques” Audio Engineering, 2003(9), pp. 7-11
18. 阎建新,窦维蓓, 董在望, “频变扩展重迭变换的快速算法”, 电路与系统学报,12(5),pp.137 – 141, 2007.
YAN Jianxin, DOU Weibei, DONG Zaiwang, “Fast algorithm on frequency-varying extended lapped transforms” Journal of Circuits and Systems, 12(5),pp.137 – 141, 2007
19. 刘光明,刘汐,窦维蓓,“对虚拟环绕声产生的研究与简单实现” 电声技术,2003年第4期,pp.43-47 。
LIU Guangming, LIU Xi, DOU Weibei,“Study and simple realization of the production of virtual surround sound” Audio Engineering, 2003(4), pp.43-47
20. 梁勇,刘光明,窦维蓓,董在望,“基于DSP的实时数字音效处理系统” 电声技术,2003年第8期,pp.36-39.
LIANG Yong, LIU Guangming, DOU Weibei, DONG Zaiwang,“Real-time digital audio processing system based on DSP”, Audio Engineering, 2003(8), pp.36-39
21. 王昕,窦维蓓,侯兆荣,董在望,“基于16位定点DSP的实时MP3编码器” 电声技术,2002年第9期,pp.12-14.
WANG Xin, DOU Weibei, HOU Zhaorong, DONG Zaiwang, “Real Time MP3 Encoder Based on 16-bit Fixed Point DSP”Audio Engineering, 2002(9), pp.12-14
22. 柳春生,陈国庆,王志华,李艳梅,李渤,李德健,吴恩德,窦维蓓,董在望,“一个DAB 原型发射机数字基带部分的设计与实现”,电子学报第29卷,第9期,pp.1236 ~1239。
23. 侯兆荣、窦维蓓、董在望;“提高MPEG心理声学模型简化算法的计算精度”; 《电声技术》7/2001,pp.3~5.
HOU Zhaorong, DOU Weibei, DONG Zaiwang, “Enhancing the Precision of the Simplified Algorithm of the MPEG Psychoacoustic Model”, 2001(7), pp.3 - 5
24. 侯兆荣、窦维蓓、董在望;“改进MPEG音频编码的窗型切换准则”; 《电声技术》6/2001,pp.7~9.
HOU Zhaorong, DOU Weibei, DONG Zaiwang, “Window Switch Criterion for Improving MPEG Audio Encoding” Audio Engineering, 2001(6), pp.7~9
25. 侯兆荣、肖仲喆、窦维蓓、董在望;“基于16比特内核DSP实现准双精度音频解码”; 《电声技术》5/2001,pp.3~5.
HOU Zhaorong, XIAO Zhongzhe, DOU Weibei, DONG Zaiwang, “To Realize Quasi-double Precision Audio Decoder Based on 16 bit Internal Core DSP” Audio Engineering, 2001(5), pp.3-5
26. 沈皓、侯兆荣、窦维蓓、董在望;“利用小波包变换实现音频压缩算法”《电声技术》8/2000,pp.7~10。
SHEN Hao, HOU Zhaorong, DOU Weibei, DONG Zaiwang,“An Audio Compression Algorithm Using a Wavelet Packet Transform” Audio Engineering, 2000(8), pp. 7-8
27. 柳春笙、王志华、窦维蓓、凌育进;“一种低频有色噪声的自适应对消模型”,《电声技术》5/2000,pp.30~34。
28. 窦维蓓、刘若珩、董在望、王建昕;“基于DSP的IMDCT快速算法”;《清华大学学报》2000-03,Vol. 40,No. 3,pp. 99~103。
DOU Weibei, LIU Ruoheng, WANG Jianxin, DONG Zaiwang, “One of the Fast DSP-based inverse MDCT algorithm”, J.Tsinghua Univ. (Sci. & Tech.), 40(3), pp.99 – 103, 2000
29. 刘若珩、窦维蓓、董在望;“MPEG/Audio层III实时解码优化设计”;《电声技术》10/1999,pp.3~5,
LIU Ruoheng, DOU Weibei, DONG Zaiwang,“Optimized design of MPEG/Audio Layer Ⅲ Real time Decoding”Audio Engineering, 1999(10), pp.3-5
30. 管华、窦维蓓、董在望;“DAB接收机及其IC发展”;《电声技术》6/1999;pp.33~35;
GUAN Hua, DOU Weibei, DONG Zaiwang, “New Tendency of DAB Receiver and Its Chip Design”Audio Engineering. 1999(6), pp.33-35
31. 窦维蓓、管华、董在望、王建昕;“DAB信道快速数据传输系统设计及测试”; 《电声技术》4/1999;pp. 3~5
DOU Weibei, GUAN Hua, DONG Zaiwang, WANG Jianxin. “Design and Testing of the Fast Data Transmission System Based on DAB Channel”Audio Engineering, 1999(4), pp. 3-5
32. 窦维蓓、刘若珩、董在望;“单片ADSP2181实现MPEG音频层II实时编码”; 《电声技术》3/1999;pp. 3~5
DOU Weipei, LIU Ruoheng, DONG Zaiwang,“Real Time Encoding in MPEG Audio LayerⅡ Uing Single Chip ADSP2181”Audio Engineering, 1999(3), pp.3-5
33. 窦维蓓、阳学仕、董在望;“用DSP 实现MPEG音频层III压缩的加速方法”;《电声技术》2/1999;pp.3~5
Dou Weipei, Yang Xueshi, Dong Zaiwang, “Fast Method for Compression in MPEG Audio Layer Ⅲ by Digital Signal Processor”, Audio Engineering, 1999(2) pp. 3-5.
1. 国家标准
GB/T 33475.3-2018 《信息技术 高效多媒体编码 第三部分:音频》Information technology—High efficiency media coding—Part 3: Audio,发布日期:2018-06-07,国家标准全文公开系统网址:http://www.gb688.cn/bzgk/gb/newGbInfo?hcno=D031ACE3D0ACE4702E0C1A791D3ACCA6
2. IEEE标准
a) IEEE Std 1857.2™-2013 “IEEE Standard for Advanced Audio Coding”,Approved 23 August 2013, IEEE-SA Standards Board.
b) IEEE Std 1857.5™-2015 “IEEE Standard for Advanced Mobile Speech and Audio”, Approved 5 December 2015, IEEE-SA Standards Board.
c) IEEE Std 1857.8™-2020 “IEEE Standard for Generation Audio Coding”, Approved 4 June 2020, IEEE-SA Standards Board.
3. 团体标准
a) T/AI 103-2016《高效音频编码》Specification of High Efficiency Audio Coding发布日期:2016-12-15。团体名称:中关村视听产业技术创新联盟,全国团体标准信息平台网址:http://www.ttbz.org.cn/StandardManage/Detail/2581/
获授权发明专利 Awarded patents for Invention
1. 一种立体声编解码方法,ZL201410573759.9
2. 质子磁共振波谱信号中的水峰处理方法,ZL201210301526.4
3. 基于可变时长的音频特征分类方法,ZL201110033410.2
4. 立体声信号编解码方法、装置及编解码系统,ZL200810106460.7
5. 编解码方法、装置和系统,ZL200810132296.7
6. 编码集成系统和方法与解码集成系统和方法,ZL200710175993.6
7. 音频编码器切换的方法,ZL200810056640.9
8. 多声道音频编码方法、编码器、解码方法和解码器,ZL200910235713.5
9. 多声道音频信号变换为双声道音频信号的方法和设备,ZL200910235714.X
10. 一种编解码方法及装置,ZL200810149581.X
11. 一种语音/音乐双模编解码无缝切换方法,ZL200710062862.7
12. 一种使用正弦模型进行音频错误隐藏处理的方法,ZL200810056759.6
13. 用于低比特率音频编码的语音/音乐检测器,ZL200610113117.6
14. 立体声音频编/解码方法及编/解码器,ZL200710135833.9
15. 音频信号的编码方法和系统与解码方法和系统,ZL200710304486.8
16. 可分级音频编码、解码的方法和装置以及编解码系统,ZL200910237482.1
17. 基于重叠变换压缩编码的错误隐藏帧重建方法,ZL200710065400.0
18. 立体声信号编解码方法、装置及编解码系统,ZL200810106460.7
19. 编解码方法、装置和系统,ZL200810132296.7
20. 多格式数字音频播放器及其算法加载、升级和添加的方法,ZL2002148653.0
2014SR200910, 质子磁共振波谱全自动定量分析系统V1.0, 2014.02.01