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个人信息Personal Information
教师英文名称:DOU Weibei
联系方式:Email: douwb@tsinghua.edu.cn; Tel: 010-62781703
24. B. Yang, C. H. Peng, S. P. Harrison, H. Wei, H. Wang, Q. Zhu, M. Wang: Allocation Mechanisms of Non-Structural Carbohydrates of Robinia pseudoacacia L. Seedlings in Response to Drought and Waterlogging. Forests. 9:754
发表刊物:IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based SurveillanceIEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance
摘要:The classification of emotional speech is a topic in speech recognition with more and more interest, and it has giant prospect in applications in a wide variety of fields. It is an important preparation for automatic classification and recognition of emotions to select a proper feature set as a description to the emotional speech, and to find a proper definition to the emotions in speech. The speech samples used in this paper come from Berlin database which contains 7 kinds of emotions, with 207 speech samples of male voice and 287 speech samples of female voice. A feature set of 50 potentially features is extracted and analyzed, and the best features are selected. A definition of emotions as 3-states emotions is also proposed in this paper.
合写作者:Dellandrea, E, Dou, WB, Chen, LM,阎建新,窦维蓓,董在望
第一作者:Xiao, ZZ,阎建新
下一条:23. H. F. Togashi, O. K. Atkin, K. J. Bloomfield, M. Bradforde, K. F. Cao, N. Dong, B. J. Evans, Z. X. Fan, S. P. Harrison, Z. Hua, M. J. Liddell, J. Lloyd, J. Ni, H. Wang, L. K. Weerasinghe, I. C. Prentice: Functional trait variation related to gap dynamics in tropical moist forests: A vegetation modelling perspective. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 35: 52-64