Personal Information
- Professor
- Name (English):Minghua CHEN
- Degree:Doctoral degree
Other Contact Information:
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长期从事光通信与光电子领域相关研究工作,在大容量波分复用光纤传输系统、下一代光网络、光纤接入网和微波光子信号集成芯片与系统进行了广泛和深入的研究。在国内外著名期刊和会议上发表论文100 余篇,其中SCI论文60余篇,申请发明专利15项。受邀在多个国际学术会议作邀请报告,并作为地区主席组织成功举办了亚太微波光子学会议(APMP2009)。
Research Focus
Work Experience
- Vice-Director , Institute of Information Optoelectronics , Tsinghua University 2004-4-16 ∼ 2007-4-16
- Visiting Professor , Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2009-4-16 ∼ 2010-4-16
Professor , Department of Electronic Engineering , Tsinghua University
其中2003-2008年任清华大学信息光电子研究所副所长 2000-4-16 ∼ Now - Associate Professor , Dept. of Electronic Engineering Tsinghua University 1998-4-16 ∼ 2000-4-16
Educational Experience
- 东南大学, Doctoral degree
- 东南大学, Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
Social Affiliations
- Being a member of technology committee on optical transmission subdivision in the National High-tech 2002-4-16 ∼ 2005-4-16
- Local organizing committee Co-Chair of 2009Asia-pacific microwave photonics conference (APMP2009 )
- Technical committee members in Asia-Pacific Optical &wireless Communication Conference (APOC) 2003, 2004 and 2006, proceeding of SPIE and other international conferences
- Reviewer for IEEE PTL, JLT and JQE and several domestic academic journals
Research Group
No content
- ▪2008-04-16 National Advanced Science and Technology Awards, Grade II
- ▪2007-04-16 Beijing Science and Technology R&D Prizes,Grade III
- ▪2000-04-16 Science and Technology R&D Prizes awarded by Ministry of Education of China, Grade III
- ▪2000-04-16 Science and Technology R&D Prizes awarded by Ministry of Electronic Industries (now MII), Grade II
- ▪“大容量超长距光通信”获国家科技进步奖二等奖、“超宽带微波光子信号处理与链路的基础研究”获自学科学二等奖、“光标签交换网络技术”获北京市科技进步三等奖,“光孤子波通信基础及其应用”获得电子部科技进步奖二等奖、“光纤孤子通信传输与控制理论”获国家教委科技进步奖三等奖、“波分复用光传输系统”北京金桥技术奖二等奖,并先后于2000年获清华大学优秀博士后,2005 年获得北京市“科技新星”称号,2007年