1. Abnormal stimulated Brillioun scattering in photonic crystal fibers and its application in Brillion fiber laser gyro. (1/08-12/10), supported by NSFC, PI
2. Key techniques of active and passive semiconductor photonic crystal devices for photonic integration. (1/07-12/10), supported by NSFC
3. Study on basic theories and characteristics of microstructure fibers. (1/04-1/08), supported by 973 program of China
4. Novel hollow core bandgap fiber based on Bragg reflection. (1/06-1/08), supported by NSF of Beijing
5. Raman amplification and its pump laser based on photonic crystal fibers. (1/04-1/05), supported by 863 program of China, PI
6. Highly nonlinear photonic crystal fibers. (1/04-1/05), supported by NSF of Beijing, PI
7. WDM ultra-long distance transmission technology. (1/03-1/04), supported by 863 program of China