YAO Zheng
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- Professor
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Simplified Chinese):YAO Zheng
- Name (English):YAO Zheng
- School/Department:Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
- Degree:Doctoral degree
- Professional Title:Professor
- Alma Mater:Tsinghua University
- Teacher College:DZGCX
- Discipline:Communications and Information Systems

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在清华大学电子工程系获得了工学学士和工学博士学位。现为清华大学电子工程系长聘教授,博士生导师,IEEE高级会员,中国电子学会高级会员,Navigation期刊副主编,GPS Solutions期刊编委,北斗系统与应用出版工程编审委员会委员。长期从事新一代卫星导航信号处理的理论与技术研究,研究工作得到了国家重大专项、863计划、国家自然科学基金、国家重大科学仪器专项、国家科技支撑计划、教育部博士点基金等资助。在新一代卫星导航系统的信号设计以及复杂环境下新型导航信号的接收等方向取得多项科研成果,不仅在国内外卫星导航领域的学术界和工业界产生了重要影响,受到国际和国内权威机构的认可,而且在国家重大项目中得到了实际应用。发表论文100余篇,出版学术专著两部,其中一部入选“北斗系统与应用出版工程”、“十二五”国家重点图书出版规划项目,获国家出版基金资助。获国际发明专利授权33项,中国发明专利授权15项。获得国家级人才计划支持,并获得军队科技进步二等奖、美国导航学会早期成就奖、卫星导航定位科技进步特等奖、中国产学研合作创新奖、清华大学学术新人奖、清华大学青年教师教学优秀奖、美国导航学会学生论文优胜奖、中国卫星导航学术年会青年优秀论文一等奖、年会优秀论文奖、清华大学优秀博士论文奖、清华大学优秀博士毕业生等荣誉。
- Undergraduate:30230104: Signals and Systems, Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua Univ,2015.4-Now
- Undergraduate:30230613: Digital Signal Processing, Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua Univ,2013.4-Now
- Editorial Board Member, Springer GPS Solutions,2014.4-Now
- ION ITM 2014分会主席,2014.4-Now
- Senior Member, IEEE,2010.4-Now
- 2014, Session Chair, ION ITM 2014,2014.4-Now
- Reviewer, IEEE T-WC / T-AES / IET RSN,2010.4-Now
- ION SDR Meta Data Standard WG Member,2014.4-Now

Tsinghua University | Information and Communication Engineering | Doctoral degree | Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Tsinghua University | Electronics Information Engineering | Bachelor's degree

Tsinghua University | Dept. of Electronic Engineering | Professor
Tsinghua University | Dept. of Electronic Engineering | Associate Professor
Tsinghua University | Electronic Engineering | Lecture and Assistant Professor
Tsinghua University | Electronic Engineering | Assistant Researcher

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