Personal homepage:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kun-Yang-41?ev=hdr_xprf
Discipline:Atmospheric Sciences
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:118. Zhao Long*; Yang Kun; Qin Jun; Chen Yingying; Tang Wenjun; Carsten Montzka; Wu Hui; Lin Changgui; Han Menglei; Harry Vereecken: Spatiotemporal analysis of soil moisture observations within a Tibetan mesoscale area and its implication to regional soil moisture measurements. Journal of Hydrology, 2013, 482(1): 92-104.
Next One:120. Qin Jun*; Yang Kun; Koike Toshio; Lu Hui; Ma Yaoming; Xu Xiangde: Evaluation of AIRS Precipitable Water Vapor against Ground-based GPS Measurements over the Tibetan Plateau and Its Surroundings. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 2012, 90C: 87-98.