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- Professor
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Simplified Chinese):SONG Jian
- Name (English):SONG Jian
- E-Mail:
- School/Department:电子工程系
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Degree:Doctoral degree
- Professional Title:Professor
- Status:Employed
- Alma Mater:清华大学
- Teacher College:DZGCX

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- Profile
- Research Focus
- Honors & Awards
- Social Affiliations
Professor Jian Song received his B. Eng and PhD degrees from Electronic Engineering Department, Tsinghua University, China in 1990 and 1995, respectively and worked for the same university upon his graduation. He then conducted Postdoctoral research work in The Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Waterloo, Canada in 1996 and 1997, respectively. Dr. Song then joined the industry and has been with the Advance Development Group of Hughes Network Systems in USA for seven years before joining the faculty team in Tsinghua in 2005 as a full professor.
Prof. Song is now the Director of DTV Technology R&D Center of Tsinghua University, and the director of Key Laboratory of DTV System for both Guangdong province and Shenzhen city. Tsinghua DTV technology R&D center is one of the major technical contributors for the Chinese digital television terrestrial broadcasting standard, DTMB.
Prof. Song is very active in serving the IEEE community and now Editor-in-Chief of ITU Journal of ICT Discoveries, Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. He has been the technical committee members for many conferences, organized DTV related workshops in VTC’2010 Fall and ICC 2008, given invited talks and served as panelist. Prof. Song is the TPC Co-chair of the ISPLC2012, ICC2012 Co-chair of the Symposium of the selected area, and General Chair of the Healthcom2012, General Chair of IEEE BMSB 2014. He also has strong tie with industry and now serves on the Communications Technologies Domain Advisory Committee of Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute.
Signals and Systems in the spring term for sophomores (in English)
Seminar on “Case Study on the Design of the Communication Networks” in the spring term for juniors (in English)
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- 广播电视领域旗舰会议IEEE BMSB大会主席,参会人数超过150人(首次在北京召开,2014.4-Now
- 电子健康领域旗舰会议IEEE HealthCom大会主席,参会人数超过100人(首次在中国召开),2012.4-Now
- 电力线通信领域旗舰会议IEEE ISPLC技术委员会主席并做大会特邀报告,参会人数近130人。(首次在中国召开,2012.4-Now
- VTC-Fall DTV Workshop Chair,2010.4-Now
- ICC DTV Workshop Chair,2008.4-Now
- Fellow IEEE
- Fellow IET and CIE
- 电子学会会士
- Editor-in-Chief, ITU Journal of ICT Discoveries
- Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Broadcast
- Vice chair of Working Party 6A of SG6 of ITU-R
- Member of IEEE BTS Administration committee
- Chairman of IEEE BTS Beijing Chapter
- ITU-R中国专家组成员
- 工信部电子信息司音视频专家委员会成员

1. 清华大学 | 电子工程系信息与通信工程专业 | Doctoral degree
2. 清华大学 | 电子工程系信息与通信工程专业 | 本科

清华大学 | 电子工程系副系主任和数字电视技术研究中心主任
美国休斯网络系统公司 | 研究工作
在ADG (Advanced Development Group)从事研究工作。研究领域涉及无线IEEE 802.11n物理层建议、卫星W-CDMA系统、HAP系统、卫星通信系统特性仿真、电子扫描天线等3.1997.6-1998.4
清华大学 | 副教授
清华大学 | 任教

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