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教师英文名称:Zhijian OU
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欧智坚,清华大学电子工程系副教授、博士生导师、它思科技联合创始人。研究方向是人工智能语音语言技术、机器智能(特别是概率图模型理论及应用)。担任IEEE音频语音语言期刊(TASLP)副主编,Computer Speech & Language编委,IEEE语音语言技术委员会(SLTC)委员,IEEE言语技术(SLT)2021大会主席,EMNLP2022半监督和强化对话系统研讨会主席,中国计算机学会(CCF)杰出会员及语音对话与听觉专委会委员,中国声学学会(ASC)语言声学与听觉分会委员等。发表论文近百篇,获得省部级奖3项及多次国内外优秀论文奖。近期工作主要在能量模型及其应用,高可靠大模型对话系统及其半监督学习等。
1. Yichi Zhang, Zhijian Ou*, Zhou Yu. Task-Oriented Dialog Systems that Consider Multiple Appropriate Responses under the Same Context. AAAI, New York, USA, 2020.
2. Zhijian Ou*, Yunfu Song. Joint Stochastic Approximation and Its Application to Learning Discrete Latent Variable Models. UAI, 2020.
3. Hongyu Xiang, Zhijian Ou*. CRF-based Single-stage Acoustic Modeling with CTC Topology. ICASSP, Brighton, UK, 2019. [Oral]
4. Bin Wang, Zhijian Ou*, Zhiqiang Tan*. Learning Trans-dimensional Random Fields with Applications to Language Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2018, vol.40, no.4, pp.876-890.
5. Xianyu Zhao, Zhijian Ou*. Closely Coupled Array Processing and Model-Based Compensation for Microphone Array Speech Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 2007, vol.15, no. 3, pp.1114-1122.