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个人信息Personal Information
教师英文名称:Zhisheng NIU
其他联系方式Other Contact Information
邮编 : 62bda03a21f6be47d99c58a3772613a27075eef9c35da2856ed9b226889e41867227c6d5288df5775bdffa3e06db6496816d5d6cd700f5bb35d04d0728684ae30a8db31218d4e25b1fea65356f3cb4d4662cc1d728d84e751699278cde613657cae6afc0fea1e743a48b12e1db617e89a267dbcbcf6612307f12c01734616445
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邮箱 : 3f80afc911bc3d69d076b86da465015dc7a134749f7e12c25ad551629057b1c29e613e022a8b6b2ce770ad679578a5d0c8f38ca712b0dfbdbe2426e97345081f895f0ec055628e5a0265c08ae476a3a3457a8f05c03a9e91f529ba2d2200387a326a8d40149cd7c83b00da7739cf1aa603677b2c2391755a5bcb5d0f54988186
个人简介Personal Profile
IEEE Fellow, IEICE Fellow
- 教育经历Education Background
- 工作经历Work Experience
- 日本丰桥技术科学大学
- 系统工学系
- 工学博士学位
- 日本丰桥技术科学大学
- 信息工学系
- 工学硕士学位
- 北方交通大学
- 通信与控制系
- 工学学士学位
- 美国南加州大学
- 访问学者
- 德国汉堡大学
- 访问学者
- 美国Polytechnic University, New York
- 访问学者
- 日本佐贺大学
- 访问学者
- 日本日立公司中央研究所
- HIVIPS计划高级访问学者
- 美国StrataCom (现Cicso) 公司
- ATM网络技术研修员
- 日本科学技术厅(STA)
- 客座研究员
- 日本通信振兴协会(TAO)
- 客座研究员
- 日本邮政省通信综合研究所(CRL)
- 客座研究员
- 清华大学
- 电子工程系
- 教授
- 清华大学
- 电子工程系
- 副教授
- 清华大学
- 电子工程系
- 讲师
- 日本富士通研究所综合通信研究部
- 特别研究员
- 研究方向Research Focus
- 社会兼职Social Affiliations
- Steering Committee (2012-present), IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC)
- International Advisory Committee (2014-present), International Teletraffic Congress
- Standing Committee Member (2012-17), Chinese Institute of Communication (CIC), China
- Standing Committee Member (2012-17), Communication Science and Technology Committee, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China
- Co Editor-in-Chief (2014 - ), “ICT Express”, Korean Institute of Information & Communication Society (KICS) e-Publication
- IEEE Teaching Award Committee (2014-16), IEEE
Associate Editor-in-Chief (2012 -14), IEEE/CIC Joint Publication “China Communications”
Editor (2009-13), “IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine”
Chair (2013-14), Emerging Technologies Committee, IEEE Communication Society
Director (2010-11), Conference Publication, IEEE Communication Society
Vice Chair (2013-17), Educational Affairs Committee, Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE)
Vice Chair (2008-16), Technical Committee for Information and Communication Networks, Chinese I -
1) IEEE Teaching Award Committee (2014-16), IEEE
2) Nomination and Election Committee (2014-15), IEEE Communication Society
3) Strategy Planning Committee (2014-15), IEEE Communication Society
4) Globecom/ICC Technical Committee (2014-15), IEEE Communication Society
5) Award Committee (2012-13), IEEE Communication Society
6) ComSoc 2020 Ad-Hoc Committee (2010-11), IEEE Communication Society
7) Strategy Planning Committee (2010-11), IEEE Communication Society
8) Emerging Technolo -
General Co-Chair:
1) International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN’15)
2) IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications (OnlineGreenComm’14),
3) International Conference on Communication Technologies (ICCT’11), -
TPC Co-chair:
1) IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-spring, 2016)
2) International Teletraffic Congress (ITC25, 2013)
3) Wireless & Optical Communications Conference (WOCC’13)
4) IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC’12)
5) Wireless & Optical Communications Conference (WOCC’10) -
Panel Co-chairs:
1) ACM Mobihoc’15 -
Tutorial Co-chairs:
1) IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom’12) -
Publicity Co-chairs:
1) IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT’15)
2) International Teletraffic Congress (ITC27, 2015)
3) IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC’12) - 工信部通信科学技术委员会常务理事
- 中国运筹学会随机服务与管理分会常务理事
- 中国通信学会常务理事、学术工作委员会副主任、信息通信网络专业委员会副主任、国际交流工作委员会副主任
- 中国电子学会通信分会副主任、物联网专业委员会副主任
- 浙江省宽带通信网络重点实验室学术委员会主任
- IEEE通信学会杰出演讲人(Distinguished Lecturer)
- 清华大学信息科学技术学院副院长
- IEEE通信学会会议出版事务主席
- 中国电子学会理事
- IEEE第十区会员发展委员会主席
- IEEE通信学会亚太地区主席
- IEEE Beijing Chapter主席
- Wireless Networks编委
- 北京分会主席
- 日本电子情报通信学会(IEICE)评议员
- IEEE VTC’10-fall and IEEE Globecom’12 Tutorial Co-chairs
- 首届IEEE中国国际通信大会(ICCC2012)程序委员会共主席
- IEEE世界通信大会(ICC2008)程序委员会共主席
- 亚太通信会议APCC’09大会共主席
- IEEE WCNC’10 Panel Co-chair
- IEEE PIMRC’10 and IEEE WCNC’02 Publicity Co-chairs
- 山东大学兼职特聘教授
- IEEE/中国通信学会联合期刊China Communications副主编
- Security & Communication Networks副编委
- IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine编委