76)Xu, Y., Yu, L., Zhao, F.R., Cai, X., Zhao, J., Lu, H., Gong, P. Tracking annual cropland changes from 1984 to 2016 using time-series Landsat images with a change-detection and post-classification approach: Experiments from three sites in Africa (2018) Remote Sensing of Environment, 218, pp. 13-31.
Release time:2021-07-16 Hits:
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Next One:75)Xu, Y., Yu, L., Peng, D., Cai, X., Cheng, Y., Zhao, J., Zhao, Y., Feng, D., Hackman, K., Huang, X., Lu, H., Yu, C., Gong, P. Exploring the temporal density of Landsat observations for cropland mapping: experiments from Egypt, Ethiopia, and South Africa (2018) International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39 (21), pp. 7328-7349.