5、Li, W.; Zhao, J.; Zhao, Q.; Zheng, H.; Du, P.; Tao, S.; Xing, B., Adsorption and bioaccessibility of phenanthrene on carbon nanotubes in the in vitro gastrointestinal system. Sci Total Environ 2016, 566-567, 50-56.
发布时间:2021-12-16 点击次数:
上一条:6、Li, W.*; Ciais, P.; MacBean, N.; Peng, S. S.; Defourny, P.; Bontemps, S., Major forest changes and land cover transitions based on plant functional types derived from the ESA CCI Land Cover product. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2016, 47, 30-39.
下一条:4、Li, W.; Shen, G. F.; Yuan, C. Y.; Wang, C.; Shen, H. Z.; Jiang, H.; Zhang, Y. Y.; Chen, Y. C.; Su, S.; Lin, N.; Tao, S., The gas/particle partitioning of nitro- and oxy-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere of northern China. Atmospheric Research 2016, 172, 66-73.